
Refund Policy

If you have any questions about whether the training is right for you, please feel free to email us at sales@ecomwizard.co before making your purchase.

Since www.ecomwizard.co offers non-tangible irrevocable goods we DO NOT issue refunds once the order is accomplished and the customer has immediate access to our online training courses. As a customer, you are responsible for understanding this upon purchasing any item at our site. All sales are final and non-refundable.

However, we realize that exceptional circumstance can take place with regard to the character of the product we supply.

Therefore, we DO honor requests for the refund for the following reasons:

Product not-as-described: such issues should be reported within 7 days from the date of the purchase. Clear evidence must be provided proving that the purchased product is not as it is described on the website. Complaints which are based merely on the customer’s false expectations or wishes are not honored. 

No access to the product: due to some mailing issues of your e-mail provider or your own mail server you might not receive an access e-mail from us. In this case, we recommend contacting us for assistance. Claims for no-access must be submitted within 7 days from the order placing date. Otherwise, the product will be considered received and accessible.

Requests for a refund are accepted at sales@ecomwizard.cowithin the period of 1 week after the order is placed. You should accompany this request with detailed and grounded reasons why you are applying for a refund.

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